Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fall 2011 Update!

A lot has happened since my last post!

First of all, this summer I interned with the Vertebrate Paleontology Department at the Natural History Museum. It was an amazing experience. I did illustrations of skulls, and I worked on a reconstruction of a Woolly Rhino. The latter project was especially exciting, because it was of 1) a recently discovered species, 2) the oldest woolly rhino ever discovered, and 3) it's depicting a rather unique woolly rhino behavior. It appeared in many major news sources, including the Science, the LA Times, and ABC News. I did not expect to see it in so many places, so that was a pleasant surprise for an already rewarding project.

In late September, I went to Dunedin, New Zealand, for an internship at the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre. So far, I've done a couple octopus illustrations, and am working on a game. This has been a wonderful experience, and I'm said that I'll be leaving New Zealand in three weeks.

I'm working on a couple other projects, and hope to post those when I'm done! You can visit my Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Julie-Naylor/117852418297108 to see more of my recent work!